An Affiliate of The American Council Of The Blind (ACB)BRL welcomes any person, blind or sighted, who believes in and is willing to work for the furtherance of Braille as the primary medium of literacy for people who are blind or for whom Braille is a viable method for reading and writing to become a member of this exciting affiliate.BRL is a membership organization whose purpose is to promote the teaching, production and the broader acceptance and use of Braille as the primary tool of literacy for people who are blind. Its membership is comprised of Braille users, teachers, transcribers, Braille producers and other individuals who are proponents and supporters of Braille. • BRL believes Braille instruction should be available in all schools and other educational facilities to students who are blind or functionally blind and that the mastering of Braille should become a required and integral part of the curriculum for the training of prospective teachers of students who are blind.
Mission Statement:
To preserve, promote and value braille as an essential mode of communication for people who are blind or have low vision.
Vision Statement:
To return braille to a place of prominence for people who are blind by encouraging the production, teaching and use of braille as a primary medium of literacy for all blind people who are physically and mentally able to make practical use of it.
Annual Meeting
BRL members attend and participate in the ACB annual State conference as well as in BRL’s national program and
Activities held during the ACB national convention.
BRL emphasizes the practical uses of braille and its importance in the daily lives of people who are blind.
BRL strongly supports the maximum availability of information in braille for consumers by all businesses, agencies, government entities and any other providers of goods and services.
BRL advocates for an increase in the output and availability of braille materials from printing houses, libraries and all producers of braille.
BRL Magnet text displays BRL Logo Braille gives feeling to words Braille Revival League 301-598-2131 braillerevivalleague.org
games and Magnet for sale
The Braille Revival League has braille refrigerator magnets available for sale for $5 each. As you can see the magnets contain contact information and our logo!
Ralph Smitherman has developed five word puzzle books in braille which are for sale. There are nine puzzles in each book; answers are at the back of the books; each book can be purchased for $5. $25.00 will get you the whole set!
For magnets or game books contact our Treasurer at treasurer@braillerevivalleague.org